Indiana University Plan Room


Bid Tab Watch

  • Query:
    Going Back:
    ProjectNameDate Posted
    SB850 Northside Hall - Mechanical System Replacement, Partial AHU East Including Classrooms #20230612 Partial AHU East Including Classrooms - IUSB 20230612 - Bid Tab 12/05/2024
    IN145 Service Building - Replace AHUs 1 & 2, Add DDC Controls to Exhaust Fans, Replace ATS #20230575 2 - Add DDC Controls to Exhaust Fans - Replace ATS - IUI 20230575 - Bid Tab 12/04/2024
    IN076 ICTC - Replace Backup Chiller & UPS Units #20231522 UPS Units - IUI 20231522 - Bid Tab 12/04/2024
    IN128 Athletics and Convocation Center - Bid Package 1 - Site Excavation #20240127 IN128 Athletics and Convocation Center - BP 1 - Site Excavation - IUI 20240127 - Bid Tab 11/27/2024

    *To search the bid tab after opening the document, press Control + F to open a search dialog within the document, and then type your company name.